Lenten Services on Wedensday Evenings at 6:30 p.m. . . . . . Have you returned your Leap of Faith pledge card yet? If not please do so today. Extra cards are available in the church office. Contact Us



Event Series Matins


Sanctuary 335 Main Street S., Hutchinson

Matins is a great way to start your day. The sanctuary is open to anyone who wants to participate in person and it is also broadcast via Facebook Live. These brief devotional times are led by staff and interns. On Tuesday and Thursday Matins includes a short devotion time as well as scripture readings andContinue Reading

Event Series 56er’s


Third Floor Multi-Purpose Space 335 Main St. S., Hutchinson, Minnesota

This weekly program is designed for students in fifth and sixth grade and their friends. Time will be spent in Bible study, playing games, having a snack and supervised social time. There will be bus transportation for sixth graders and the fifth graders will walk to Faith with a chaperone.

Event Series Confirmation


Youth Space

Students will be bused from school to Faith around 2:30 where they will have "hang time" until 3:45 when they will have large group class which is followed by small group discussions from 5-5:30 p.m.