Funeral: Frances Olsen (Streaming on Facebook)
Funeral at 11 a.m., buriel at Oakland Cemetery, lunch with family following here in the Faith Center.
Lenten Services on Wedensday Evenings at 6:30 p.m. . . . . . Have you returned your Leap of Faith pledge card yet? If not please do so today. Extra cards are available in the church office. Contact Us
Funeral at 11 a.m., buriel at Oakland Cemetery, lunch with family following here in the Faith Center.
This group of volunteers gathers each week to but the service orders and announcements together into packets for Sunday morning. New hands are always welcome.
This is a traditional worship service in the sanctuary using the Lutheran Book of Worship. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first and second Sunday of each month as wellContinue Reading
Faith Lutheran offers an Electronic Giving program which many members choose to participate in and schedule their offerings.