THANK YOU to all of you who gave so generously to the Easter and special Alleluia! offerings last month. The outpouring of support has not quite erased Faith’s early-year deficit, but it made a huge difference. The elected leaders and staff of Faith are grateful that the church is in a stronger financial position as we move toward the summer months.
Some challenges remain, however. As we go forward as a congregation, the challenges before us are to:
- discover the joy that comes with giving, not only responding to financial crunches or budget goals, but in ongoing gratitude for how richly God blesses us.
- recognize that Giving = Mission, since money can be (and is!) easily sent all over the world to support the work of God’s kingdom.
- give regularly and generously, in proportion to our income, knowing that all we have and are is entrusted to us by God to be managed faithfully while we live on earth.
Faith’s financial health has improved markedly in the last five years. Breaking the cycle of moving from crisis to crisis in our giving is the next important step in our commitment to the mission and ministry God has entrusted to us here. Please pray and consider how God is calling you to be part of Faith’s response to this next goal. Again, THANK YOU!