The Greenhouse/Faith on Grove Sunday night worship service has been a vital and successful worship offering of Faith Lutheran Church for over ten years, serving as an entry point for many into this congregation and a home for many others, while providing a casual, contemporary worship experience.
Lately, the Greenhouse service has struggled to establish a unique identity and to find musicians available to lead the worship. For this reason, and after much consideration, it has been decided to put the Greenhouse service on a hiatus, in a sense, closing for “reconstruction.”
The hope is that by closing the service, it will allow some time to evaluate what the needs are of those who attend (and those who don’t) and how to best use our resources to meet those needs. During this hiatus time, please give any feedback you might have about the future of Greenhouse.
In the meantime, please join us in the pre-hiatus Greenhouse worship on Sunday, April 1.