Here we are, halfway through 2013. How is Faith Lutheran doing financially so far this year? Here is a brief snapshot of our mid-year financial update:
- A great response to the Joy to the World special offering in December 2012 got 2013 off to a solid start.
- Offerings received through May 31 were almost identical to last year. The General Fund deficit was about $14,000.00. This deficit is currently covered by cash reserves, and it will need to be made up by the end of 2013.
- The term loan (past General Fund debt) has been reduced nearly in half. The balance remaining is now just under $78,000.
- Are you eligible to give Thrivent Choice funds? Many Thrivent clients can designate Choice dollars to our church. In 2012, Faith received over $5,000 in Thrivent Choice funds.
- Faith has given all its scheduled benevolence gifts through May 31.
Interested in learning more? Read the full Mid-Year Mission Investment Report here. Investment firms report the returns on their funds and how they are performing. Offerings are like investments in the mission of Christ, so this “investment report” shows the “returns” on gifts invested in the Faith Lutheran “fund.” This report takes the place of a mid-year giving statement. To receive an itemized list of your offerings to Faith Lutheran through June 30, just call the church office (320-587-2093).